Giving Through Bank Bill Pay

Giving Through Bank Bill Pay

Petersville Baptist Church (PBC Ministries) is now accepting contributions that are made through your bank’s bill payment services. You can make all of your Petersville Baptist Church donations this way. The Church will provide an annual statement showing the contributions you have made to the different funds (Building Fund, Regeneration Ministries, Missionary Ministry, etc.).
For many that are homebound, elderly, traveling, out of the country, in the military, etc., this is an easy way to make your Church contributions. This is also a very convenient way for all members to make contributions and at no cost in processing fees to the Church.
Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Contact your bank (either in person or via their website) to set up bill pay services.
  2. Follow the instructions below to set up your bill payment:
In order for your donations to correctly post to your desired categories you must set up separate bill payments for each category to which you wish to donate. For example, if you would like to make a Building Fund donation and a donation for the Missionaries Ministry, you must setup a bill-payment instruction named “PBC Ministries-Building Fund” and a separate one named “PBC Ministries-Missionaries Ministry”, etc. on your banks’ bill payment system.
During the bill pay set up, your bank will ask for the address and telephone number of the church. Please use the following address for all of the donations categories listed above:
Please input this address EXACTLY as it shows here:
3330 Petersville Church Road New Canton, Virginia 23123 Phone: (434) 581-3660
The bill payment service cannot send your donation to the Church electronically unless the address for the church is identical to the one listed above.
  1. Make your contributions.
  2. Review your annual statements received from the Church to verify the contributions are recorded accurately.